Welcome to the VIP Birthday Club! God has uniquely created you with purpose… and so we celebrate you!
“Before I formed you in the womb; before you were born I had plans for you.” Jeremiah 1:5
Very music loving child, he can make beats out of everything. He is very particular about EVERYTHING. A’mir cannot be fooled, he is very curious and likes to read, learn, and explore is surroundings.
Adrian is a loving child, his gaze is very cute, angelic, extremely intelligent, and he makes an effort to learn. I love every expression he gives me!
Alex is a very happy boy, with a lots of energy. He loves to play, and now he loves video games- especially Mario Cart.
Alexis has the biggest heart and thinks of others before herself. She always wants to help people and knows what all her friends. She has endless energy and is so uniquely herself.
He has his own outgoing personality, and I absolutely love that!
Allen is very sweet, loving boy, who although nonverbal, expresses his love in unique ways. I love my little boy with all my heart- he is my reason!
I love how caring and loving Alonzo is. I love that he puts me first and loves me so much. He is such a great kid.
Alyssa is a considered nonverbal, but thankfully she has learned her some words.
She is special, unique, and a lovely girl.
Ananias loves video games and playing with his little brother.
She has a big imagination, she love shoes, going to play outside, and anything electronic. She says it makes her feel smart.
She’s a very sweet and independent girl.
Anthony is very sweet, he loves roller coasters, going to water parks, and being active. He enjoys playing with Legos and music.
Ariel is sour first, but then she’s sweet. She love bubbles, water, hair ties, and word party TV show. She also loves Hotel Transylvania!
He is very cheerful, and has a lot of energy.
She’s loving, caring, helpful, and creative. She gives the best hugs. She’s the best.
Loves cats. She likes to draw and color!
Ava loves art and enjoys having fun on the weekends with her family.
He likes puzzles, play with water, blocks, and he loves to eat. I love when he smiles, and when he give me hugs and kisses. I understand that his love no needs words.
She is a sweet girl who loves to give hugs.
He is nice and respectful. Sometimes, he is attentive, he is a nice little person.
Brad is a very sweet boy. He loves roller coasters and his tablet. He loves taking things apart and learning how things work.
Brandon is very sharp, he loves science and nature, and above all, he loves Jesus.
He is the happiest kid, no matter what he’s gone through!
She’s compassionate, loving, and likes helping others.
My daughter is an adorable baby. She smiles all of the time.
She is always so happy and determined.
He always has a smile on his face!
Camila is fun, loving, full of energy, and an amazing care taker. She empathizes with everyone around her, and is not afraid to help in every single way she can. She is extremely noble, loveable, and huggable!
He is very creative, loves STEM activities, impulsive, hyperactive, yet apologetic. He loves to cook- we love his fried rice.
We love his sense of humor. We love that he has compassion for others. We love his knowledge of sports, and how much he wants to help the team managers/coaches to strategize their games.
He is a very sweet boy and very caring, but will have a spell on you if things don’t go his way or he can’t get an answer right. But, I love how he is such a loving child.
Colby has the biggest smile, and I love to hear him giggle. He always tries new adventures, even if it is impossible for him to do, he tries anyway. He cheers for his friends and always tries to help.
I love his imagination. He comes up with the craziest inventions, and then builds it with his Legos. He has the biggest heart, and is nothing more than loving and sweet.
I love how Cristian is so resilient. He fills any room he is in with joy and happiness. Cristian has beat many odds, and he keeps developing fast.
Cristian is the bravest boy we know! He had a challenging medical diagnosis in 2021, and at the same time, it made him stronger! He has a heart of gold, and will think of you before himself. He loves vans, RVs, and cars. He enjoys camping with his family and friends, and to live life to the fullest! He is truly a blessing!
She’s always trying to make words up and always laughs about it. She’s always teaching the big brother new things she’s learned. It’s special moments for us.
He wakes up every morning with the biggest smile on his face. He likes to clean, and he is always trying to help the little children at his daycare. He remembers to take his medicine out when he goes to daycare, and puts it back in the refrigerator- it’s the little and big things he remembers. He learns new things quickly, and is always smiling.
I love everything about him, but the most I love is how loving and friendly he is. He loves to show his love with kisses and hugs, and his smile is so warm that it melts whoever meets him. He is my loving child.
He is so smart and funny! He has an amazing knack for drawing, and he can get your attention by doing absolutely nothing. He’s a sweet kid who just loves music.
He is very lovely, and sweet. He loves his sister.
He loves video games, Legos, Pokémon, and playing any type of outdoor sport. He is extremely smart and loves to do math.
Dillion is a loving and goofy young man! He is very attached to his big sister, and dog Oreo. Everyday is a new day with him, and watching him reach his milestones brings me joy.
Dwayne is an excellent harmonica player!
He’s sincere, kind, restless, and has his own ideas.
My baby Eiram loves to eat pasta and ice cream, he loves animals, and he also likes to do crafts. His favorite superhero is Spiderman and his favorite dolls are Paw Patrol. He also likes Hotweels and Monstertrucks. Eiram is a very special child, very affectionate and intelligent. Every day we learn new things.
Caring, nurturing, creative, and helpful.
He is fun-loving and friendly. He loves everyone he meets!
Elijah is a very good big brother. He is helpful. He tries hard. He doesn’t give up easily.
She is an outgoing child and very out there, but also shy.
Emil is a loving boy, he loves nature, playing outdoors, getting to know the states and the whole world.
Emmanuel is a happy toddler. He shows many signs of intelligence, and is always doing something silly.
It’s simple how kind he is, and how angelic.
He’s knowledgeable about random things, and he’s an amazing artist.
She is very sweet and lovable.
Faith is smart, energetic girl, currently enrolled in the Cambridge Program.
Francesca is very sweet, loving, caring, and extremely brave. She never gives up, and she always has a smile on her face. She loves to dance and play soccer.
He likes stuffed animals, he likes to paint, jump, and run. He is very active and is non-verbal.
He is very smart, humble, and innocent.
Gianni is so lovable. Gianni sparks anyone’s day with happiness. Gianni is brave.
Greyson is a very smart and handsome little boy. He loves to play, sing, dance, and just have fun. It doesn’t matter how he feels or what he’s going thru, he always has a smile on his face. He is my last baby, and let me tell you, he has been a breath of fresh air.
His determination amazes me! He doesn’t give up! He’s so observant. His laughter is pure happiness, and he brightens my toughest days.
He is very smart, creative, and he likes new things.
Harrison is non-verbal, but extremely communicative through music. We were told that he has something called “pitch perfect” and it’s supposedly rare to have. Harrison loves listening to, playing, and singing with music.
My son is an inquisitive little boy, always attentive to things we normally take for granted. For example, the way the wind feels through your hair on a windy day. He is a strong boy and a warrior, who never gives up and excels in any new challenges he faces.
What i love about my son is so many things, but especially I’m very proud of him because he has to try a little bit harder than other kids. My son likes family time with his mom and dad, he loves coloring, cooking, baking, and drawing, also playing video games.
Isaac is extremely talented at music and is the best brother. He’s very great at knowing meteorology.
She loves dancing and singing
I love that she is so lovable and sweet, as well as caring for others.
Isaiah likes legos, video games, razor scooters, riding bikes, playing tools, and building stuff.
He absolutely loves Fortnite, and playing video games.
Jacob is the sweetest little boy who will melt your heart. He has never let his seizures stand in the way of what he wants to do. He loves to play soccer and go bowling. He loves learning new things and sharing what he has learned with everyone, including his big brother, Bradley. Even with spending so much time in and out of the hospital, and being on so many medications, he has never let it get him down. He loves going to local amusement parks, water parks, and playgrounds. His favorite rides are Tower of Terror and Summit Plummet (which Mom and big brother are too scared to ride). He is caring and loves to share and make new friends.
Jacob is a sweet, snuggly boy, who loves to giggle and make us laugh. He loves learning to read, and jumping at the trampoline park.
Jacori is extremely smart, and a determined young boy. He attends a lot of therapy to help guide him through everyday choices. He has come a long way with his behaviors. He tries hard every day to use his skills to become a calmer individual.
I love to hear him sing and see him dance. He has a beautiful smile that brightens my day.
His hugs and kisses are the best. He can name many sea animals. Has an adorable accent when talking in Spanish. I can think of so many more reasons why he is awesome, and why I love him so much.
She is kind hearted, funny, very smart, and loves to laugh.
He loves to play with puzzles and organize things in line. He has the sweetest smile ever, and loves hugs!
He’s a go-getter, and very active. Struggles a bit making friends, but Jakari never quits. He loves bugs, and dirt, baseball and football.
Jake is filled with extra special love. He doesn’t know a stranger, and wants to share smiles, love and joy with almost everyone he meets. He loves animals (all kinds- land or sea), his family, school, cooking and baking with Mom. He is OCD about his calendar, and excitement for a special event or holiday still keeps him up at night, even at his age. Jake teaches me daily that the little things in life are the most important.
She loves blocks and swimming.
He is very intelligent and loving.
He is extraordinary, with a hint of fairy dust. He’s perfect. He’s really smart!
He is so innovative, and loves to see how things work, and why. I see his brain firing when he’s looking at moving items.
I love that my child is caring and shows all of his emotions. He is very sweet, and means no harm. He can’t speak, but he can show facial expressions and hand movement at times.
My Jayden sure can make you smile, and keep you on your toes. He’s very loving, caring, and likes to cuddle. When I’m sad he’s always there to make me smile, and make my day bright.
My son loves science and dinosaurs. He is loving, and cares for everyone. Jayden has a love for baseball, and tries his very best to be great at whatever it is he chooses to do.
We love everything about Jayden!!! He’s our most amazing, beautiful, loving, incredible gift, that God has Blessed us with to raise. :0)
He loves to play with his tablet, playdoh, slime and putty.
He is very sweet and caring. Jayden thinks of others, and loves to help any way he can.
J J is smart! He can build anything out of Legos without directions! He is very helpful when help is needed, likes to play video games, and going out to explore places- especially in train rides.
Caring, thoughtful, friendly, and polite.
He is loving, empathetic to others, and always willing to help someone in need.
He is so caring, and sharing with all things that belong to him. He makes mommy buy items for friends, because he remembers it’s something they like.
Jonathon has been a part of Nathaniel hope since 2013, and is super awesome with computer science.
Jordan is very kind, and loves making new friends. He absolutely loves dinosaurs, sharks, and all of the Transformers movies.
He likes to play with playdoh/slime, and kinetic sand. He also likes to go to the amusement parks- they love Fun Spot.
Jo Jo is an amazing kid. He loves Paw Patrol, Spiderman, and Daniel Tiger. He loves to play with Playdoh, and to swim.
Es un niño muy amable, sociable, conversador & le encanta el baile.
Joshua is a kind and caring boy, that is always eager to learn, try new things, and make new friends. He’s a very smart kid that loves to do well in school, and wants to be a marine biologist when he grows up. He is a horse back rider for six years now, and is also involved in the Special Olympics, participating in tennis, SUP (stand up paddle boarding), and basketball. He’s very excited to be a part of Buddy Break!
Josiah is a wild child full of energy, who loves playing with other kids. He is very affectionate to his parents, but is very shy to strangers. He is very smart, and his memory is amazing. He loves to sing and dance, and enjoys going to the park, pool, and beach.
Always smiling and happy, and wants to help others. He’s an awesome Boy Scout.
He loves making movies, swimming, swinging, and singing and dancing.
Kaden is a foodie child and loves playing or making any cooking food. He likes to pretend play with fruits and vegetables. Not only is this a restricted interest of his, but also his super talent. He enjoys helping his family chop veggies for dinner, and mix pancake batter for breakfast. He is a very active child, again, where his hyperactivity keeps him constantly keep busy- this also helps him exceed in sporting-type skills. He loves swimming and is up to learning new sports or physical activities, like biking or scooters.
She is a very lovable child, always giving hugs and kisses. Sometimes she has her moments of fear and crying, but with the the right care it goes away easily.
I love his ability to love without expectations, and unconditionally!
Kennedy is a happy and loving little girl who enjoys being around her family and friends.
Krismary is a very loving child. She loves to give hugs to everyone, is very friendly, and loves to talk.
Kyle is 210 lbs. of pure love, the sweetest teddy bear. Although he is nonverbal, his heart speaks volumes.
Laura is a loving and caring child, who loves the pool park, and spending time with family and friends.
I love how resilient he is! He continues to push through the hardships and prove that he is capable of achieving anything he sets his mind to.
Liana love everything Unicorn, Hello Kitty, and Fortnite.
She is so loving, caring. and helpful. She is a fantastic dancer, gymnast, and loves everyone.
Logan is so sweet when he wants to be. He is 100% a momma’s boy, he loves to cuddle, and is so funny and wild. I love his imagination and the unique ways he does stuff sometimes. He is my heart.
Logan’s smile lights up every room! Logan loves playing outside, running, playing with cars, and loves being surrounded by others.
Logan loves riding his lawn mover, fishing, and getting dirty.
Luca is a super sweet kid who loves being outside, playing, and animals! He loves going for nature walks, and really enjoys making music anywhere he can!
Lucas is so caring, funny, and loves to play with others. I don’t know where I’d be without him.
He is very outgoing, even though he has problems speaking.
My daughter is a warrior and true miracle baby. She was born at 22.5 weeks and spent 300 days in the NICU. She has defied all odds and is smashing some of her goals. Although she can’t walk or talk yet, she sure does love to dance!!!!!
He is a very loved child, very smart, and so sweet and kind.
He is always happy, and can instantly make a room light up!
She is very smart, and loves helping.
Madisen is a very happy girl, who loves to go out and participate in activities and events with people. Her favorite sport is soccer. She has a closet full of soccer jerseys, and she never stops asking for more.
She loves space, and the human body. Loves puns! Very artistic!
Malin is curious, energetic, and always smiling. He loves astronomy, traffic signs, Google Assistant, math, and word play. he loves to play tag, as long as you do all of the chasing.
She is a loving child, who is independent in many activities.
She’s a very special girl. She doesn’t talk, but her eyes express everything. We love everything about her.
I love his laugh! It can always put a smile to our face. We love it so much.
Our child is so intelligent and happy.
Matias is my little hero!!!
Matthew loves Legos. He loves to build and create things. He is very quiet and to himself, however, when he gets to know someone, he is a good friend. He likes to play games as well.
I love the way he tries to talk and sing.
Meaghan is very quiet, but secretly, very goofy! She has the most strength, and is always willing to try! She is our rare gem! Move with Meaghan!
He is really smart and very caring. He loves music and learning new things, and is my little sous chef. Most importantly, he cares a lot about his family, and just loves being around people who care for him.
Miranda is a very spunky, sassy girl, living with Spina Bifida, but she never lets that get her down!
Monikah is a super sassy girl.
Moshe loves basketball, wrestling, and to draw. He is a great dancer, and is very smart.
She like textured toys and bright colors. She enjoys spinning and jumping on a trampoline, or an exercise ball. She enjoys moon sand and loves water.
He’s very happy, charming, and affectionate.
He is so organized, loves structure, and super-respectful.
I love her tenacity and resolve.
He’s very sweet and loves to give hugs.
He loves to play with water. He has the most infectious smile, and the biggest heart. He loves his many siblings.
Omar is a very tall boy, and very loving. He’s all I have- the most thing I like and found so unique about Omar is that he always has a smile. My son is the most beautiful thing I have.
Phoenix takes after her namesake, she rises from the ashes. Despite the many times that doctors have told us she couldn’t do something, she has overcome and surprised everyone. So what unique thing do I love about my child? That she takes on all of these challenges with a smile, and a will to thrive through it all. She screams with joy despite having a trachea tube, and shows the world she is ready to take it on.
I love his sweetness and innocence.
He is super loving, caring, and I love to see the world though his eyes. He is happy with just a sock in his hand, and loves to dance.
I love everything about my son- he brings light to everyone when we are out, with his little personality.
Ruth is very inquisitive and loves to learn. She grows more into herself everyday, and shows a love for everyone. She doesn’t like for anyone to be left out, and will try her best to include everyone.
She loves nursery rhymes, and she also is very brave for her age.
Loves to help people out everywhere, Is a National Disability Advocate and Activist, National Rare Disease Advocate and Activist, performing artist, and so much more, etc.
A podcaster and author, and writer on her Wordpress channel, writer at her username wondergirlsaida
Sam loves talking, and will readily share his struggles, concerns, and questions. His interest in favorite areas is very strong, and it is fun to celebrate those interests and strengths. He is a very interesting person! I love talking to Sam, and hearing his stories and ideas. He has a loyal and caring heart for his siblings.
He’s loves to joke, and loves to follow schedules.
Very happy, enthusiastic, curious, full of life, loves to read and get immersed in his own beautiful stories about his unique thoughts.
Samuel has a fascination with sea animals and cars. He loves being outside and going to the pool.
I LOVE EVERYTHING about her :). She is sweet, doesn’t give up, always has a smile no matter what, and her silliness. She has a strong character.
Silas is very goofy, and so funny! I love his smile, and his cool dance moves! He’s very loving, and loves his mommy!
Stacey is one of the kindest and loving people I’ve ever met. Even on her worst days, she is still one of my favorite people. She has a colorful personality, and is so creative. She is truly a blessing.
He is humble, and a good boy.
He is very smart. He loves math, science and computers. He’s quite a gamer, loves his video games and computer games. He is gentle, kind, and considerate, and has a big heart and such a sweet soul. He is my best buddy ever.
Travis is a very caring person and always put others peoples needs first. He was just recently diagnosis with hearing loss and he is in the process of getting his hearing aid and taking it all so well.
She is smart and intelligent.
He has a big smile with dimples.
My son loves cars, games, and Fortnite.
Veyla is a very smart, loving, and funny girl. She lights up every room with her smile and laugh.
He loves to dress up in costumes, sing, play minecraft, work on Legos, superheroes – both Marvel and rescue workers.
I love his sweet and loving hugs. He loves books, and loves to run and play with others very well!
His obsession with Thomas the Train, and trains in general, and that he can be the sweetest kid ever.
He is a very loving child, and is always curious about who is God, and also wants to know everything about his history.
I love how my daughter no matter all her medical conditions, lives her life as a normal baby girl. How she progresses in her development, and is succeeding and fighting in her life!! I love how strong she is, besides everything she has to go through daily.
My son loves watching his favorite TV shows. He doesn’t talk yet, and has online school at the moment. He’s a good kid, but he can get frustrated at times. Wish for him to have friends, but he doesn’t talk, and it’s hard, and can only communicate with his family.
Zac loves to smile and just be happy!
How loving he is, his innocence, his contagious laugh for no reason, and his occurrences.
He is very creative, and loves you to make things out of clay. He is also very caring.
Zemillette is a very happy girl, she loves to dance, she is very sociable, and very authentic.