Welcome to the VIP Birthday Club! God has uniquely created you with purpose… and so we celebrate you!
“Before I formed you in the womb; before you were born I had plans for you.” Jeremiah 1:5
Abby loves to act, play, swing, and spin.
He always has a smile on his face, he loves to play, and he is super-caring.
Funny, helpful, and loves to play basketball.
He’s smart, funny, strong, and determined. He loves thinking outside the box and trying new things.
She is funny, caring, and friendly.
Airam is a loving kid, loves hugs… and is obsessed with Toy Story.
He has a loving nature, and is charming, caring and intelligent.
She is so strong and smart. Always willing to push herself to try new things.
My daughter is very intelligent, she is always happy, and she came to complete our family.
She is perfect in her own image, and gorgeous. She is well-behaved, and stays out of trouble. She is willing to learn, and never gives up. She is growing up as a remarkable young lady, and taking every day one day at a time.
She is very kind and caring, and she loves to draw and create things. She is smart.
He’s smart, outgoing, kind, wild, and loving.
Alex loves to hug, and has a great giggle!
Premature at 23 weeks born, and loves swimming.
Andrea is a very special person in many ways. She is sweet, likes to help, and is funny.
He’s my best friend- my everything.
My daughter is very loving, and likes to read.
Angelo loves music, and loves to dance! He is the sweetest big brother to his baby brother by giving him kisses and patting his back after mommy feeds him. =)
Anisa is a bright, friendly ,and lovable girl who likes video games, books, animals, and learning new things! She would love to meet a friend close to her age with her unique abilities!
Anthuan is a very affectionate boy. He loves animals and going to the playground. He likes to play with dinosaurs, sharks, monster trucks, blocks, and Legos of any size.
Arabella is amazing at cheerleading.
I love: How caring he is, when checking on me. He always says how much he loves me an his sisters. He is so smart in his own way. He is always wanting to learn more.
She has the kindest heart, and makes friends everywhere we go. She loves to draw, and help cook with her momma. She loves music- it centers her. She’s the best big sister.
She is sweet, very loving, loves to help cook, loves to play soccer, and is always wanting to learn new things.
Bella is amazing! We adopted Bella a couple years ago and have watched her flourish! She loves her family & loves to have fun! Bella has some amazing scripts that she uses to communicate, and is hyperlexic. Bella has unique passions and is so creative! She taught herself some Spanish words and has an incredible ear for music. She has taught herself some songs on the keyboard by ear, and can pick out what key someone is playing in!
Benny loves to smile at us all the time, even when we know he isn’t feeling well.
He’s outgoing, a very fun kid, likes to make new friends, loves to play tag, and swim at our local pool.
Bentley loves dinosaurs, animals, and bugs.
Our little girl with powerful energy!
She takes care of me when I need her to.
He is very goofy! He loves to be silly around his family and friends.
I love his purity and contagious joy! His love for Jesus and requests to learn more about God!
His passion for learning aircraft, elevators, music (CeCe Winans), skyscrapers, and other things that have opened my eyes and heart to learning new things.
My child likes to play with toys, to dance, and watch tv.
Caleb is loving and adorable, with a great sense of humor.
He is friendly, and very curious about many things.
Little girl who loves Disney and music! She loves the beach and pool!
She loves to play volleyball.
He is always happy and loving.
He is shy and doesn’t talk to people who he doesn’t know. He loves cars and trucks.
She is the sweetest young lady ever!
i love that he is loving and good-hearted.
My little boy is amazing! He is one hilarious, little genius. He has been reading since he was just 2, counting to 100, and knows just about every species of shark there is. He is always wanting to learn new things, and has recently taught himself a few words in sign language and Japanese!
He’s a basketball player, he wants to be a video programmer, and to open a sandwich shop, specifically for special needs children.
Super-sweet and caring, funny, intelligent, and so loving.
I’m so proud of our baby girl. She loves to smile and she loves being in water.
I love that De’Andre is always smiling. He is a strong young man who has been through so much. He is loving and he has an amazing smile and laugh.
Demari is very outgoing and loves to make people laugh, but doesn’t have enough confidence in himself, and struggles from time to time.
Dominick is a sweet, rambunctious guy, with a big heart and energy for days! He loves building things and watching them fall over. He could swim all day every day if he could. He is especially talented diving into the pool to get rings from the bottom. He’s an explorer and loves nature. He loves repeating his favorite shows and stories.
My son Dustin is a blessing for the world to meet- he is very much appreciated and wonderful.
He likes sharks, and musical instruments.
She is smart. She is funny. She can make you smile when you’re down.
Eli loves Cats, He has a kitten named Pete, who’s his buddy all day long! Eli is empathetic at heart, just like his mama. He cares for others and will always try to help console anyone who’s crying, hurting, looks sad, etc. He’s the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet. He is a mathematical superstar, and enjoys numbers and coding things as well. Eli is my red-headed sour patch kiddo- he’s sweet as can be, but if something goes wrong and out of routine in Eli’s world, it crumbles and he’s then just as sour as he is sweet.
My son is the sweetest boy you could ever meet. He is very loving, he has the most beautiful and contagious laugh. He is extremely smart, and has so many beautiful qualities that I will never stop writing about him. I can only say that there is nothing that I don’t like about him because I love absolutely everything about him. To me he is perfect the way he is.
Eliza is so passionate about the people and things that she loves. She loves being around other kids, and wants to befriend any and all kids she meets. She loves carrying around her Poppy and Moana dolls everywhere we go.
Emma is a very friendly, happy little girl, who always has smile on her face.
Emma is very funny, loving, and active. She loves to play with friends, and is very loving toward everyone.
He is a a very happy boy, he loves making new friends, and loves his big sister.
Felipe is a loving child, strong and always attentive to details.
He is easy going and artistically inclined. He has a passion for playing music and watching plays.
Linguists play a lot with her, and her favorite huggers are the little ones and he doesn’t let go of his stuffed animals.
Although she is a little person, she does not let that stop her from trying to do anything.
Gianna is sweet, funny, loves nature, and speaks up for kids that are laughed at in her school for being disabled, teaching others that there is nothing wrong from been special or different. She is also a great singer.
Grant is a sweet little peanut who loves his family farm, and all of the tractors and bulldozers. He loves to swim in the summer.
Grayson loves meeting and playing with everyone. He loves music and space. He loves learning. He is very athletic, so smart, and can read on a high level.
He loves building things- especially with Legos. He can tell you random facts about Star Wars.
He always has a bright smile no matter what.
Extremely shy and very creative with hands. Loves to learn.
Sweet Hayvnn is a strong willed little girl! She’s a fighter, and fights through all of her challenges. We are a proud family, to be fighting right there with her. We love to hear her laugh, and she loves to listen to music. We love you Hayvnn.
Hugo is always joyful and smiling. He loves to play with his Little People playsets and cars. He loves to sing and dance to Cocomelon songs. Hugo lights up a room. He is full of love and laughter.
Ian is very sweet and friendly. he loves reading and playing with puzzles. He loves swings, playing in the sand, and spending time with family.
Isabela is a very affectionate girl. She is special, she is a sweetheart, playful. She is always happy.
She is very social- always waving and blowing kisses to family and strangers. She loves music and being outdoors.
He loves hot wheels, swimming, and animals.
He’s a great son, who loves to be with family.
Jackson is absolutely adorable. He loves his mama, and he thrives off of making others proud. He loves exotic creatures, and has an imagination like no other. He has us all in awe of his strength and perseverance!
He loves Jesus and is so sweet to all kids.
He is also great at all sports.
Jadriel is a lovely boy- he likes to play with cars,and he loves animals.
He is a very loving kid. He likes to play, and he has beautiful hazel eyes.
Javier is a really kind boy that loves to help, and is really passionate about his art. He loves to help others.
He’s funny, loving, and caring. He likes theme parks, video games, music, and singing. He adores his cousins. He’s so smart, and a great, loving kid.
He is very shy, but is a nice and helpful child, caring and loving.
He loves to play with toys.
I love everything about my child.
I love how hard he tries to do things himself. I love his smile.
John “JJ” has a smile that lights up the room. He loves hugs and kisses! He is semi-verbal, but he shows his love and affection to the people closest to him in amazing ways!
He is kind and easy to live with. He always has lots he’s interested in, and is helpful around the house.
Jonathan loves to sing, dance, and draw! He also loves playing with his sister, Kimbella. He enjoys being very helpful. 🙂
He loves gaming, history and acting.
Joshua loves Spider-Man and monster trucks. He is such a loving and kind person.
Joshua loves his family, especially mom. He is very kind, funny, and smart in his own way. He loves the pool, and playing with his dog, Bentley. When he grows up he wants to be a police officer.
She loves playing outside.
He listens to what I tell him to do, and he is always happy.
Judah is loving, smart, and loves making new friends!
He is the epitome of LOVE. He had the ability to make a lasting impression and touch a heart with just a hug.
Kaiel has so much empathy. He is caring and smart.
What i love about Jesus, is that he loves to be outside in the yard, talking and enjoying butterflies, lizards, birds, and all animals. He loves to create habitats for animals.
He is very sociable, and loves to please others. He loves verbal praise from peers and adults. He especially loves the elderly.
Kyle is the sweetest kid and and has had a severe case of eczema since the day he was born. He has been in and out of hospitals his whole life. He is tough, and as he is getting a little older, he is helping with managing it. But, he can’t sleep through the night peacefully because he itches.
I love his smile and all his quirks, including his flapping and noises. He loves to get kisses and tickles. He also loves to spin, run, and jump, and can be very happy and carefree. I love his obsession with fish/sharks/ aquariums, dinosaurs, basketball, and his games/videos.
Always willing to help, and loves big hugs.
Lailah cares, and tries to help everyone.
My son refuses to let what he has going on stop him physically. He strives and thrives for greatness at a very young age, and I love every single moment of it! His determination helps me to never give up on him!
She love to watch sports with mom. She loves light up toys, and toys that make sounds. She loves to play outside.
Lennon loves anything mechanical and STEM themed. Loves building legos and putting together advanced puzzles.
I love Lennon’s kind heart!
Levi is a ball of energy who loves his family.
I love his excitement for even the simplest things, and how much he appreciates and loves his family!
Lorraine is strong-willed and spirited. She is the youngest of 6 kids, and makes sure she doesn’t get lost in the mix. She likes to be the leader and in charge. She enjoys taking care of others.
Loving, Funny, Persistent, Smart, Unique.
Luis is very smart and outgoing. He loves to create videos, and study all sorts of things such as science, space, any type of technology. He loves his family like no other. He is such a sensitive boy with a heart of gold.
Even with his social anxiety, he chooses his people- those who he feels he can open up to and connect with.
I love Malissa’s sheer wonder at how things work, and her love of history. She has a way of describing history that makes you want to learn more. She loves all things facts, and playing board games. Despite the challenges she faces, she still tries to help with her sisters, and shows the world how much she loves them.
He’s so special, and love the simple things.
She is a sweet girl, curious, and that likes to unite the family to play along with her. She likes to play with water.
Matthew has been a strong boy since his days in NICU.
I love him like he is…he is so sweet, a gentleman, a good boy.
Matthew is extremely artistic, and loves drawing in his spare time. He enjoys anything space-related, and often researches facts about black holes and other space topics. Matthew enjoys participating in fundraising events to raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer.
He loves music, singing, and dancing. He is sweet, loves to hug, and is always giggling.
Memphis is a wonderful child. His smile and his laughter light up our home. He has enough energy to keep our whole Family on their toes- and if we could go back in time, we wouldn’t change a thing. He is very smart, and despite his disabilities, there is nothing in this world he couldn’t accomplish.
Michael is sweet, funny, and even if he is non-verbal, he knows what he wants and he shows his unique personality. He loves letters and numbers since he was young. We love when he giggles and laughs.
Michael is one of the most compassionate, generous little boys that you will ever meet. He loves playing video games, and actually has a natural instinct for any new games that he comes across. Michael’s fave snacks are gold fish and pretzels, but he also loves most kinds of fruit. Michael does struggle with two part instructions and will often need guidance to help figuring out a task or instruction. Michael is very good at mirroring speech, but does not always understand what is being said to him or what he’s saying. He does try his best and works hard at school and at home in reading and math and play.
Nahira loves to watch cartoons on her ipad, and she love hugs and kisses. She also loves to go for a walk, and all her chewy toys.
Nathan is our fun, happy go lucky guy & he is a twin to his twin sister. He is a sensory seeker and loves to climb!! He also enjoys technology and learning through music! He connects to music and enjoys dancing! Nathan likes Legos, and he also loves to swim and play in the water. We love our little tank man.
Nate the Great loves music and sports. He is very verbal, an amazing memory, and the biggest heart!
The way he expresses his love (hugging, kissing) he is a very sweet boy. His smile makes my heart happy, and his eyes melt my heart.
Noah is a lovely 10 year boy, and with all the problems, he is still playing with toys and is happy.
Noah is the most sweetest and loving child. He loves the outdoors, and the breeze blowing through his hair. He loves his trampoline, and gets so happy when he sees babies.
He is adorable. His eyes and the way he looks at me, his smile, his hugs, kisses and love. I absolutely love him, and everything he is. He is special to me.
He is very smart, loves gaming, and very active at all times.
Oliver is smart and funny. Full of energy!
He is a super smart boy who loves tornadoes and space. He is quirky, and his imagination is out of this world.
Parker is a lovely boy who is very motivated and loves his family and friends deeply. He loves playing with toys and his friends at school and at home.
She’s so kind and loving, she’s caring, and the best big sister.
Despite his medical diagnosis, I love it when he repeatedly shows me a wonderful smile.
He is so creative and loving.
Bobby is amazing, he is funny, and so very sweet. He loves Special Olympics, with surfing being his favorite. Nascar, Florida Gators, and Nebraska Husker football always gets him excited, he is a true fan. He loves to dance. Rock and Roll is his favorite- a little Van Halen, and he has the moves. He loves to act in theatre. Bobby has been on TV and and in local newspapers. He is my Rockstar.
Sadeja love to give hugs, she’s very outgoing sweet, and she loves to be outside
Samiel is a very creative, smart boy. He has many battles to fight, and he has a way to go. However, he has a heart of gold. He’s just learning to fight his demons.
What I love most about Sebastian, is that even though he cannot speak or communicate other than making sounds, or he cannot walk, he is the most joyful child. Always smiling and laughing, always social. He is never visibly sad due to his condition. He is able to light up a room with his smile. He also enjoys watching other children play, even though he can’t get up and kick a ball, he will laugh out loud just by watching other children laugh!
Loves video games- Minecraft, Legos, and eating.
She loves drawing, playing with siblings, singing and dancing.
My daughter is kind-hearted, smart, helpful, friendly, and artistically inclined. She loves to play sports, dance, play games, and draw. She also loves taking care of her siblings and her puppy. She loves people and sees the best in others.
Syann is a very loving girl, and loves to have a friend. She loves to help around the house, and she loves art and dancing.
Tai is very sweet and kind hearted. He is extremely shy at first, but when he warms up to you he his the funniest kid ever, with a curious mind and many questions. He loves music and dancing, and he loves Spiderman and video games. If he could do anything, it would be to become a real life Spiderman. He also a huge wrestling fan, reenacting wrestling moves with his siblings, and making up their own pretend wrestling matches, competing over a replica WWE belt.
Ted is 72 years old and living his best life with his colleagues at the Lift Disabilities Club Elevate. He lives in his own space next door to me, his sister. He has friends in our community that also consider him family.
He loves basketball and toy cars.
He’s my big brother, but he’s developmentally much younger. He’s loving and caring, and helps out very much in the house. He loves working and cleaning cars.
He is very caring and intelligent.
He loves to be my little helper and protector.
Walter is a loving non-verbal boy, who loves cuddling and being tickled. He loves roller coasters and fireworks, and has no fear. He is also way too smart for his own good! He loves puzzles and learning games on his tablet. Loves to go swimming, and loves the trampoline park.
He’s a fighter, and hasn’t stopped since his accident. He is smart and sassy, and has the best smile.
She is wild, and will test her faith with anything.
I love his smile, his laugh, and that he’s adventurous.
He loves Anime and playing video games
Zion is a sweet, smart, lovable guy who loves too hug everyone. He makes me smile every moment of my life. I love Zion- he completes my heart beat.
Zion is such a loving little guy, who likes hugs and cuddles. He loves to learn, and likes to make friends. Zion is nonverbal, but lately with the help of ABA, he has been so happy to tell us a few words when he needs something. He is very smart, funny, and loves to share. With Zion, as a family, have learned what Autism means, and how together we can all help Zion.
My little girl is super-intelligent, and a loving girl with everyone. The truth is that her family describe her as love, she is all love, for us.
She is artistic, caring, has a beautiful smile, and is happy and giving.