Welcome to the VIP Birthday Club! God has uniquely created you with purpose… and so we celebrate you!
“Before I formed you in the womb; before you were born I had plans for you.” Jeremiah 1:5
He is a very loving boy, he likes to help with things in the kitchen.
She has so much energy and loves the outdoors. She is non-verbal, but has such special ways to tell me what she wants, and when.
He’s always happy. He loves to laugh.
Aiden is a sweet boy and playful despite his delays. He loves playing with kids of all ages, to jump in the moon bounce, swing on swings, and loves dogs.
She is very happy, and stubborn at times.
Alaia is an adorable little girl and sweet.
We love her so much.
Loves to laugh. Learning to share! Loves our doggies!
He is so smart and affectionate. He gives the squishiest hugs and messiest kisses, and we just love this so much about him.
She is very helpful. She is willing to try and learn new things everyday. She loves the outdoors.
He is obedient, accommodating, and he speaks and writes Spanish and English.
My son is a very creative and extremely talented artist. He is very loving and has the biggest heart ever. He loves to draw, make paper trains, he makes plush toys by hand. Very, very talented. He loves Disney/Pixar, five nights at Freddy’s, he absolutely loves Wall-E,Stitch, and angry birds.
She is fun-loving, creative, and loves sports.
Smart, witty, fast-learner, and funny.
I love my son’s personality, smile, and the way he cares for others.
My child is very innocent and friendly. He likes Sonic the Hedgehog.
He’s very outgoing, loves to have fun, play with dinosaurs, and eat M&Ms.
Anthony is a very creative kid, he tries to look tough, but caring at the same time haha. He is always helping and looking out for his brother and sister I also love the fact that we work as a team, and even when he is not in agreement with something, he is very respectful!
He currently goes to a special need school called The Lyman School in Winter Park. He loves story books, especially with pictures, loves to watch TV, especially game shows, and his iPad. He does not lie, and has no filter. He has the sweetest heart and always tries his best to do well. He does not like it when he falls behind or is last in line. He struggles socially, and it’s hard to start an initial a conversation, but loves to ask questions about things that interest him.
Arthur is a very special kid. He loves to see YouTube videos, and run with other kids.
Ava is a cute, spoiled princess, Ava is a girly, girl, who loves the color pink.
Avarae is an amazing little girl, full of love and energy. She loves all things outdoor. Avarae can name 100 different animals!!
She is full of sass and attitude. She is strong willed, and such an old soul. We call her Bean because she was born premature and was just a little thing, but you’d better believe she doesn’t let that run her life!!! She’s such an amazing little lady.
Brandon is kind and caring to others, and he loves to laugh and be happy!!!
He’s smart and funny! He loves life and loves his family- he has 2 brothers and a sister who he adores!
He is non-verbal, he loves Paw Patrol and dinosaurs. He doesn’t focus for too long, but he loves big trucks.
Brayden has such a big personality, he doesn’t let his disability slow him down. He is definitely rambunctious, and I just love everything about him. I love watching how far he has come since being diagnosed ,which has been a long road, but he’s getting there!
She can sense someone’s pain and sadness immediately. She tries so hard at school now. She gives so much joy and laughter to our family.
Centoria is my lovable special gal. She’s a bright girl who loves to draw. I love my baby girl.
She likes driving the golf cart, swimming, and riding her bike.
Cheyenne is super smart, she does an amazing job finding ways to communicate with her aac device when the words she is looking for are not listed. Her laugh can bring the biggest smile to my face. Her signing “I love you,” and approximating the words melts my heart.
Christopher loves to dance (spin) and sing along with some of his favorite songs. He knows his ABC’s and his numbers. Fun fact- he can count 1-10 in 3 different languages. He enjoys his finger puppets and playing with his marble rush game. He enjoys fireworks and anything that spins fast. His best friend is dad, but he loves everyone in the family in his own way. Last but not least, his favorite foods are french fries/chicken nuggets, cheese pizza and grandma’s white rice. He is learning how to play pretend, and hide n’ seek.
He loves animals and electronics.
Clayton is a kiddo full of absolute, pure joy and happiness. He sees the smallest details in life that most people are just too busy to even notice. He loves to make others laugh, and wants everyone to be happy. He has helped us realize we need to be present in the moment so we don’t miss the amazing things that life has to offer, each and every day.
Daijah is very loving to me and her brother. She’s a momma’s girl, cares for others, funny, loves cats, and she is a smart girl.
Danica has a big heart, and is a caring soul. She loves people and animals, and always wants to help.
He is a very happy child, very smart with dates- he never forgets a date, and he loves his videos.
Daniel exudes joy! He’s a lover of people and animals, Paw Patrol, Spider-Man, and trucks and trains! He is a good friend, and loves to make sure everyone around him is happy!
She is quiet, nervous, well mannered, and very scheduled/routine-oriented.
He’s an entertaining boy, who loves super hero’s and cars.
I love the way he sees the world.
Davyd is amazing! He survived a brain tumor at 4 years old. He loves art, movies, and animals. He is the gentlest soul.
De’Yanna is a baton twirler. She has won multiple titles while twirling. She loves to write. Her dream job is to be a 1st grade teacher.
She loves rocks and bubbles, and all things Ms. Rachel. She’s got a beautiful soul, and the most amazing mind.
Love what he wants. Caring. Obedient. Follows instructions. He’s caring to his sister.
Dominik is a very happy toddler, despite his health challenges. He loves playing with his big sister, and brings light to all of our lives.
He loves animals and will tell you facts about them.
Eli is funny and smart. H loves playing in the water, and we tell everyone he is part fish, as he could spend hours in the water. Eli is a sweet and kind soul. He always wants everyone to get along and be kind to others. He is our sweet sweet boy, and we are excited for all the places he will go!
Eli is an empathetic, enthusiastic, and brilliant young man. He cares deeply for the loved ones in his life!
Elijah is sweet, compassionate, kind, and so much more. He always wants to help. He loves to pick me flowers every day after school. Elijah has the biggest heart.
Emilia is sweet and always wants to help me with things. Emilia can cross her eyes, and fold her tongue.
My son is such a curious, smart little human. He gets so entertained with how everything works around him. He is so easily entertained with the most unique things. He can manage to play with anything that he finds. Most of the time he is serious and non-social, but in the most random times you may catch a small smile that lets you know he loves you.
Emmett is very kind, creative, and friendly. He is sweet and loving. He loves doing art and making crafts, as well as coming up with games to play.
He’s very happy, and laughs a lot. He tries to be friendly, even if he’s a little awkward. He loves cars and trucks.
She’s very loving, caring, and sweet. She’s always on the go.
Everly is smart, fun, and always keeps us laughing with her antics! She has, and continues to overcome all obstacles, to live a life of joy!
He loves music! His favorite instrument is the drums. He loves his sisters, cousins, and the rest of the family. He is very sweet and very smart.
Ezra is funny, smart, and gives amazing hugs!
My son loves to play and eat! He’s very strong.
I love how smart Gianni is, how unique he is with his words, and how sweet and kindhearted he is.
Really caring, and loving child, kinda of shy.
She loves music, smiling, loves to play on her carpet, and with her toys.. Hannah is a hard worker and never quits.
Hayden is an absolute love bug, who is obsessed with Bluey and loves to play with any sensory toys. He loves to go out and play at the park with his brothers, but he also loves to stay home and just cuddle up with Mommy. He’s a little small for his age, but he makes up for it in personality
I love her smile and her eyes.
Henry is so loving, kind, and caring. He loves race cars, bugs, and outer space. He gives the best hugs and is an amazing big brother. Henry is such a sweet boy and we are so proud of him!
He is a happy boy who loves flapping, wheels & spinning things.
She’s very empathetic, and an enthusiastic volunteer and helping others.
He is smart, adventurous, energetic, has a bright smile, and loves music.
She’s curious about everything and anything in life.
He loves to play soccer and baseball. He’s a good kid- kind, lovely, and a fun boy.
Love how he laughs, smiles, and love the hugs. He is a very strong warrior angel, but most of all, him still being here with me- he’s a blessing.
Jamelle loves basketball, outdoor sports, and playing outside. He is very caring.
He loves to laugh, and is always looking for an adventure or opportunity to make friends.
She loves to sing, draw, dance, and paint her nails.
She’s sweet, lovely, strong, and a special girl!!
Loves to be outside and try different sports.
My son is a happy, energetic child, who loves to build towers and enjoys swimming.
He loves playing with balls and socializing. He is very joyful.
He is a very special child. He loves to ride a bicycle, swim, and play with animals. He likes dinosaurs, and eats a lot of sweets. He is a child loved by all- without a doubt, this child brought me back to life.
She’s very creative, imaginative, full of energy, and the most contagious laugh.
Jayven is very loving, charming, very emotional, and loves to be held and loved. Jayven works really well with numbers, shapes, colors, just about everything- just no speech yet. He goes above and beyond, and tries his best to accomplish all goals. Jayven has progressed a lot since starting ABA program.
My child is unique in her own way! She is a cleft baby but also has some hearing and physical limitations.
Our son is an amazing and bright young man who has been through a lot since the pandemic, and we are looking to brighten his day by adding some new events and things for him to do, to get him motivated and back on track with making friends and enjoying company again. He is amazing, and deserves love and support.
She is a kind girl with a big heart. She loves to help and care about others.
Joel loves golf, movies, and spending time with his family eating scrumptious meals.
He has the sweetest heart and loves everyone so much. He is also super-silly, and smart. His life is all things Minecraft and Hot Wheels 🙂
She’s very outgoing, loving ,and caring.
She is very smart and loving! She loves animals!
Karl loves to sing and shop at Target!
She loves to be with people, she is so kind and thoughtful. She is always up for an adventure, and so fun to do things with. She has joy.
Kate is funny, clever, sings well, remembers everything, and loves life. She is also beautiful- inside and out.
Kayden is so fully of energy and joy. He loves to laugh, joke around, play with his puzzles, basketball, and his friends outside. Kayden is also a very determined little boy, with bright ideas, and an imagination like no other. He is so smart and loving.
He is friendly & somewhat well-mannered, loves to have friends & has an Autism Service Dog!
We love his positive attitude. He is always looking for the good in everything. His love for his brothers and sister is undeniable, and his game design talent is amazing!
He is very loving. He likes hugs, but we have taught him to only hug when asked. He notices everything, and has a remarkable memory. He likes YouTube and all things Nintendo, but does not play any of the games yet.
Khai is a very sweet boy with lots of energy! He loves to play in the water, and build with his blocks.
Killian is a super-smart, feisty boy who loves life, exploring, building & video games. He is the sweetest little boy, but can’t express himself through speech. Multiple therapies a week plus full time at school is hard for him but he manages it so well. He brings gigantic smiles to everyone who crosses his path.
Kyrstine is happy, daring, brave, and eager to learn!!!! Her happiness is contagious, and she thoroughly enjoys life and activities!!!!
She is smart, sweet, loving, and caring.
We love everything about him! These 3 brothers are so sweet and loving. We love them so much, and if given the opportunity, we will gladly adopt them.
Leon is so smart, funny, and so sweet.
He’s eager to learn new things.
He is such a kind and sweet boy!
Our Lucy has quadriplegic cerebral palsy, shunt, and g-tube. But she is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. She loves music and furry things, loves to swing and have her back rubbed- she smiles and laughs. She is our angel.
He loves playing guitar, painting, crafts, handicrafts, among others.
My boy loves animals, from snakes to cats! He likes to record himself talking about nature. He’s a very sweet, lovable boy.
He is a very sweet, loving, and helpful young man. He is very shy around people he doesn’t know. He has verbal apraxia and Auditory processing disorder, so he doesn’t always understand what he hears, so he finds ways to adapt, which helps him in school.
I love Luke’s passion for drawing, and how well he does. He loves to help cook and bake, or just help around the house. He is a very sweet, loving, and caring young man.
Maddox is the sweetest boy you will ever meet. Through everything, he has the most positive attitude, and you will rarely hear him complain! He loves to be involved in music, and loves dogs and dinosaurs. He is happy to be home and getting back to his normal life and routine with his family.
We love Mady’s smiley, giggly, curious, determined, and strong willed personality! She is very creative in her play and how she inspects her environment, and items from all angles. We see a future engineer in the making!
He loves playing with friends, he likes hide and seek. He also enjoys school and learning new things.
I love that Marcelo is a sweet boy who loves learning through music. He has a big heart and brings so much joy to our lives, despite his struggles.
María loves music, kids, and loves being around family.
I love the relationship he has with his brothers. I love how much he loves my dad (his Papa). I love how determined he is to learn how to read and write. I love that he enjoys putting things together, and is very hands on with things.
Matias is a very happy baby; he is always smiling. He has something special that is hard to explain, but most people feel very peaceful when he smiles at them.
She loves Jesus and music.
Maze loves the colors purple and pink. Her favorite tv show is Peppa Pig. Maze is kind, sweet, loving, and she loves bubbles! She finds the joy in everything she does. We are lucky to have her!
Kai has a very loving spirit. She always wants to help others and enjoys babysitting in her sensory gym.
She is caring, silly, hard-headed, compassionate, and unique. She loves animals and wants to make sure they are cared for. Honest most of the time on how she feels, does things in her own way, but gets it done.
Micah loves Golf, Soccer, swimming, drums and anime. He is super smart and very perceptive about other’s feelings. He loves being outside and staying busy. He is great in school and wants to get his Master’s degree when he grows up.
He love lights, music, and hide and seek. He loves all educational things.
Michael is a sweet, friendly, compassionate boy. He loves to play with other children- he doesn’t care about age or gender, he will play with anyone. He’s also currently learning about his diagnosis and being taught about other children with ASD.
He’s a child that is willing to try as much as he can to get everything done. He’s not a quitter, he cares a lot about his siblings, and he worries about them. If he doesn’t see them or hear them he starts worrying. He cares about others, not only himself.
He is a good football player.
Michael is amazing in so many ways. He is kind, funny, and very helpful. I’d be lost without him.
Myles loves letters and numbers, and uses them in alternative ways to communicate. He also is great at programming video games.
Blessed with a heart of resilience, and loves dinosaurs!
Nathan is very outgoing and talkative at home, he tends to be shy when in large group. He loves playing soccer and wants to be an Engineer someday like his father.
He love Lego sets and toy cars with tracks. He also likes buses. He really wants an electric scooter and hoverboard
Noah is a bright, creative, happy, boy. I love his heart, he is always willing to give to others.
I love that my child is so loving and sweet!! Loves to give kisses and hugs!!
Olivia is extremely caring and sweet, especially with younger children or distressed peers in need of help. She’s not afraid to stand up for what’s right or fair. Despite her inability to verbally communicate, she more than makes up for it with her body language and facial expressions. She loves to “sing” and dance and we love to watch her do it. She also has a VERY sassy side that you can’t help but smile at. Nail polish on her fingernails and hand on her hip as she’s wagging the other finger scolding her brothers for something they’ve done wrong. Watching her explore and react to the world around her has truly been a blessing that we could not be more grateful for.
Olivia is a bright, strong-willed little girl. Olivia is a huge helper, and has a big heart. She loves to play imaginary and pretend games, loves to learn, and swim at the pool. Olivia can be sassy with an attitude, but she also has warmth in her heart.
Ollie has an incredible love and understanding of science. He began studying high school and college level astronomy in elementary school. I love how he is unique, and the way he sees the world.
Something Unique about Orlando is that he is willing to try things out and does not give up.
Pedro is lovely. Everyone loves him- he’s sweetheart who loves to run and do silly things.
My child can recite a lot of things, and is very great at gaming.
Quinn loves music and singing! He loves bubbles and going to Disney! He loves to draw and write his name on everything!
Quranz is extremely loving, and loves cuddles and kisses. He loves school and eating. Quranz keeps me energized and happy.
Ramya has a beautiful sense of humor, despite her disabilities, she continues to push herself to work harder and to be smarter.
Raysir is an overactive kid, but loving.
Becky is the most compassionate person we know. She’s loving, and funny, and makes every day bright!
River loves people! He loves playing with his family, and he loves our dog. He enjoys lights, and music, and he loves to dance!
He loves to laugh, and he’s very loveable.
She is very loving and kind.
Sadie is a beautiful, vibrant, little girl. Full of life and energy. Sadie enjoys the outdoors- running, jumping, music (nursery songs), and anything to do with water. Sadie loves Legos (Pixar, Disney, Universal, and DreamWorks).
Very curious about new topics
He’s kind hearted, and wants to help everyone.
He loves playing, loves music, and is a very affectionate toddler.
She is a very friendly, and full of life little girl!
He loves everything that contains sound.
He is a happy, playful, child- he is the light of my eyes.
I love the way Serena sticks out her tongue when she is happy!
She is a sweet, amazing, awesome little girl!
I love everything. Stacey is always happy, smiling- if not, then there is something wrong. Stacey teaches me new things every single day, I learn from her. She has a laugh that is so contagious, a smile that will just melt your heart. She does things that you don’t expect at the moments you don’t expect- every single day is an adventure. Stacey is my “Heartbeat,” and I could not imagine my life without her in it. Stacey is my world.
Stavan is very organized, and good at writing, cutting and gluing things.
Stephen is a kind kid. He loves helping others. He enjoys fishing.
She has personality and charisma.
Tejion is an amazing artist. His passion is to become a 3D Animator.
My prince is young, but since he was a newborn he loves to smile and laugh from time to time.
He’s lovable, caring, smart, and unique.
She is loving, and always kind and thoughtful!
Vincent loves to sing and dance! He also loves movies, and is an avid collector of DVDs.
He thinks outside of the box.
He is loving and playful.
He has a loving heart, caring nature and ability to forgive on all levels. Wylijah inspires to be a chef. He binge watches Chef Gordon Ramsey.
He is a loving, funny boy, who loves to create things from Lego or drawings. He’s a huge Marvel and anime fan.
Xavy loves movies- he can remember all the titles and years. He also loves all Legos.
Xavier is very loving and kind. He loves stuffed animals, and loves being outside.
My sons loves to draw! He loves making voices for characters that he comes up with.
He’s extremely smart, and fascinated by rockets. He knows so much about rockets and how they work. He’s so loving, kind, and compassionate. Very determined to learn about topics that interest him.
I love his willingness to learn a new word and skill everywhere he goes.
Yoandri is a very social and cheerful boy. He likes to play outdoors. He is non-verbal, but communicates in his own way- he is not aggressive.
He is fun loving and adorable!
Zacarias is a happy boy, and he always sees everything that happened in our lives in a positive way. He likes to make videos, play with Legos, and to work with computers. He makes animation with a coding program called Scratch, and also he loves to play video games.
He is a wonderful, smart, and caring child.
Zayn is a very smart little boy. He loves loves LETTERS! He loves hugs.
I love my son’s goofy attitude, his loving nature, his resilience, his independence, and so much more!