Welcome to the VIP Birthday Club! God has uniquely created you with purpose… and so we celebrate you!
“Before I formed you in the womb; before you were born I had plans for you.” Jeremiah 1:5
A’Chuan was born at 25 weeks and weighing only 1 pound and 13ozs at birth.
What we love about him is that every day he shows us something new, always coming home with a smile from therapy and learning something new together as a family. It’s always exiting- we love how he teaches us to always be together, and always, always make us laugh with new things. We love our warrior boy.
He is a really happy boy.
He likes to play with cars.
He’s funny, energetic, and loud. He loves people, and is an excellent Lego artist.
Akiko loves books, Bluey, Minnie Mouse, playing with blocks, and her favorite movie is Home. She loves to play games on the iPad. She loves to hug, smile and laugh.
She is a very smart little girl.
I love everything about him.
Ally is very kind and funny. She always knows how to make us laugh. She reminds us daily how to enjoy and appreciate the same things in life.
She loves to dance, jump, play with her favorite toys, Abby-Elmo, and her unicorn.
She is unique, goofy, affectionate, caring, fearless and brave. She is super smart and learns quickly.
Anaiah is a very sweet, loving child. She loves to play Barbies, to meet new friends, and she is great at drawing. She is very helpful.
Anali is amazing/passionate for the sport, gymnastics. You will find her doing splits, handstands, cartwheels, etc., wherever and whenever she can. Just like she leaves her memorable mark everywhere, she goes with her everlasting enthusiasm, energy, and joy!
She is a sweet, shy, and bright girl.
He is the sweetest child ever. Very artistic!! Loves to create things in all different ways!
Antonio is the most sweetest, funniest, little boy ever. He’s the family’s baby.
My daughter loves Christian music.
Arthur loves to play his keyboard, listen to music, and especially loves country music. AR loves Bunnies.
Ashley has the sweetest personality, although she cannot speak to express herself. She is always kind and considerate, and I love her smile.
She is very special girl- she is so lovely. She likes to play with her toys and learn new things.
Ayla is a friend to everyone, and has the ability to lift the spirits of others everywhere we go. She is a great helper, and senses the needs of others. She is quick to meet the needs of others- whether it is bringing them a toy to make them feel better, or helping the family with household chores without being asked.
I love Bellomy’s continuous desire to be involved, bursting with energy and enthusiasm. He is a light of joy in our lives, and he reminds us to stay present and appreciate the moment. His favorite activity is being outside going for walks in the wilderness and exploring the country on road trips.
Bernalda Rodriguez is a humble, respectful, sweet, kind, and loving person, and always loves to give hugs. She loves to color, and paint, and loves to dance and sing to Jesus. She also loves to shop.
Brandon is non-verbal, but can communicate with sign language and his talker. Although he has a hard time expressing himself, he understands a lot. He is a sweet boy that brings joy to all those around him.
He is funny and super loving.
She always tries her best, and she loves animals.
She has a big heart, is giving, and caring.
My sweet girl loves to try, and I mean really loves to try, but sometimes her vision can get the best of her. She may struggle, but no matter how big or small, she does the very best she can.
He is curious, loves to be on the go, wants to do everything himself, happy, loves music and books, his guitar and baseball. Currently, he wears a doctor costume each day.
A boy who is super funny, super smart, and has a whole lotta energy. He loves to play with his siblings.
He is so kind! He has never let his vision delay stop him! He has completely learned to adapt and find ways to overcome, and I’m in awe of him!
Charlie is so funny! He loves to make everyone laugh and be in a good mood. He is also incredibly loving and caring for someone so small!
Charlotte is the sweetest, most loving baby, who loves to smile! She also loves her doggy, Jolene, the Doodle!
He is the most sweetest kid ever. Very loveable and very much a character. Even though he is non-verbal, he is So smart. That’s my big man- he makes me so proud.
She loves poetry, she is spiritual- loves crystals, books, and drawing. She also likes Harry Potter and candles.
Dario is a very sweet and loving boy, with the sweetest smile in the world! He is non verbal and has sensory issues with loud noises or overcrowded spaces, but will use YouTube videos (movie credits, Disney movie songs, and alphabet videos) to self soothe. He loves chocolate chip cookies and chicken nuggets, and enjoys swinging on the playground swingset as his preferred activity. He is a very special little boy. 🙂
He’s very sweet and very bright, and he’s passionate about his interests.
He loves Minecraft, Lego, Mario, anything video games. He also really likes race, cars and space like astronauts and stars and planets.
Demetri is such a smart, energetic boy. He loves music, and loves to dance, and build things. He’s very to himself, but he’s very adventurous.
I love her spirit. She’s been given a hard life. When she was 10 years old, she starting having seizures, and she was diagnosed with a specific learning disability. Even after that all that, she has a great spirit, and never gives up hope. I love her.
Dominic loves action figures and most video games.
Dresden has an incredible memory, loves songs and books, and was the happiest recession baby there ever was! He’ll be the first to tell you that you did a great job, and loves a big strong hug at least once every 10 minutes!
He is very caring and love dogs. He enjoys reading and hands-on activities.
Dylan is a survivor, who is very happy and an active kid. He never gives up, and is a strong kid.
Ea has a kind heart and loves to draw, paint, ride her bike, and play with her friends.
I love his art, his way of drawing and painting his
paintings, and his heart is very tender and a loving
part of his humility.
He loves to play, learning about God, and enjoys being a kid!
Expontaneous, intelligent and creative.
Although Elias can’t communicate his needs just yet, he loves to sing. He is happy singing his ABC’s and 123’s.
We love how Elijah can make anyone who he meets him smile. He may not say much, but he knows how to get his point across to let us know what he wants, needs, or how he feels. We will never be able to express how thankful we are that he was sent to our family because he is truly our sunshine!
He is so full of love and compassion for animals. Animals are his world.
He is super smart and loves to learn. He loves planets and maps.
Eli is a happy and energetic little guy. He loves to smile and gives amazing hugs.
She always makes us smile!
Ellis is fun and outgoing, although often shy. He loves to spend time with family and friends, and loves to try new things.
She loves cooking; math, reading, and Legos. She is highly empathic towards people in distress, and animals. Loves learning about ex-presidents, history in general, and coins. Emma loves mixing up things, climbing up in things, jumping and parkour!
Eriana is so smart, affectionate, and caring.
My little man has an older brother who is also on the spectrum, and Erik just adores his brother. Erik is a little engineer in the making. He likes to see how things work, and he likes to figure out how to build things to work properly. He loves trucks, dinos, and water! He is so kind to everyone at school, and loves to help his teacher when others won’t. He is my sweetheart.
Esme is a spunky and sassy little girl with Trisomy 18. She defied the odds just by living to be born, and she continues to defy the odds every day she is here with us. She loves going to the aquarium, playing on the playground, going swimming, looking at Christmas Lights, listening to any and all kinds of music (ESPECIALLY live music), and spending time with her family. She teaches us every single day. We are so blessed to have her in our lives.
I love the fact that although Essence is not able to do a lot of things like a normal child, when it comes to her doing physical things, she makes it her effort to do it. She doesn’t allow her disability of stop her- she really tries hard to be a normal walking kid.
I love that my boy is so strong. He was only 1 month old when he went thru 4 surgeries, he’s so brave! He’s diagnosed with a rare syndrome, and right now we do have a new journey with his hearing loss. He’s a happy baby boy, I love his smile- that’s what keeps me strong and makes me keep fighting for him, to make sure he has everything that he needs to keep growing as a normal kiddo.
She’s a happy girl, and she loves to dance.
Despite him being non-verbal and disabled, he is very sweet and loveable.
Gigi loves having fun, and going out and being with her people. Her favorite place on earth is Disneyland! She is an excellent swimmer, and can hold her breath for a very long time. She is mischievous and silly, and keeps us laughing!
My angel, Gabrielle, has lots of medical issues, but she doesn’t let that stop her. Her personality is quirky, and she loves to draw/paint what she’s feeling. She tried to sell her paintings, but no luck. She’s a happy young lady who knows lots about animals. The amazing part about Gabrielle is absolutely everything.
Gerardo is a wonderful boy. He is intelligent and noble, and is so sweet and sensitive. He can perceive the emotions of the people around him. Gerardo has transformed the lives of all of us who are lucky enough to be by his side. He is full of love, but at the same time, he has the determination and perseverance necessary to achieve what he sets out to do. He has so many characteristics and qualities that make him a special person, and only one of them is that he has an extra chromosome. As a mother, I am grateful to have the opportunity to share with someone so extraordinary.
My daughter is very soft spoken, and loves to help others.
She is a spitfire, absolutely loves giving kisses, loves bubbles and eating her donuts.
He is so full of life. He has been through so much. He is so strong!
He is fun, loveable, caring, loves to entertain everyone, and loves animals and video games.
He’s a great singer, and I love his sweet way of looking.
I love that he smiles with his eyes, he has a single dimple, and it just warms your heart when he’s happy.
Hunter is a very loving, kind, smart boy, who loves to help!
She is a wonderful, caring person, who loves to sing, dance, roller skate, and hanging with her friends. She’s very helpful for me, being that I have some health issues.
He is a very tender and loving child. For being so young in age, he gives us so much love, a pure and true love.
Isaiah loves straws, running, climbing, and jumping. He is a sweet boy that loves being at home with his family.
He’s a very affectionate, humble boy, and likes to play basketball and video games.
He’s smart, funny, and the happiest and best thing that has ever happened to me.
He’s a very smart, loving boy.
We call Jack our extra special Avenger. He loves Superheroes, music, dancing, smiling, and waving to everyone! He doesn’t let anything stop him, and he is already pushing himself to do what he wants. He is our Strongest Avenger, and we are proud to be his parents!
Jack has the best memory in the family! He is kind and easy-going most of the time. He sees the inner beauty in a person.
Jackson is very happy, loving child. He loves to help around the house, and with his baby brother.
Jacob gives the best hugs and kisses. H loves to go out and explore. He has very good memory, and loves summer.
He has a good spirit and he loves music.
Jaiden is a child full of creativity. He loves to invent things by mixing, or just by building from recycle material. He loves sports- specifically boxing and basketball. Jaiden is a loving and caring child.
I love how my son knows when something is wrong, like if I’m sad, and he comes and rubs my face. He loves his siblings.
He’s very kind, out going, loves art, and animals.
She is very friendly- a lovebird. Sweet, smart, talks a lot, and very active, she is amazing.
He is very sweet, funny, and likes to help and EAT.
He is very independent. He listens and learns in his own way. He loves to share and he is very kind.
I love everything about Jerimiah.
He is very caring and helpful. He is a great big brother, and is always giving a helping hand to others.
She is very quiet, shy, and very talented. Once she’s able to open up and feel comfortable with you, she’s such a sweetheart- loving and caring towards others.
Joannalys loves to read, and play with puzzles and soft toys.
Her bubbly personality will brighten up anyone’s day. She’s always smiling and laughing and wanting to play. She’s doesn’t let anything and anyone stop her from anything. She doesn’t let her disability hold her back from anything she wants to do.
My son is very loving and compassionatel
He is a good brother to his sister, and he loves his animals.
He is a very special, happy, and smart kid. He also likes to explore everything new for him.
Jonathan is thee Happiest Person I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. He has this ability to somehow make the little things seem like the World’s Largest Accomplishments.
He loves animals- he knows them all. He
practices horse riding on weekends. He loves the beach and pool. He is a gentleman, and
really likes order and cleanliness. He is a very noble child, and loves all his family.
He is lovely, and he likes to help.
He loves music, and fish, and dinosaurs. He loves to go outside. He is so loving, and my the youngest of 4, and he loves his big brothers. Christmas is his favorite time of the year.
He is amazing, wonderful, unique, and special.
Jude is always smiling, and happy, and brings joy to everyone around him. He loves stuffed animals and being outside in nature.
Juliet is happy, friendly, and sweet. She enjoys playing with others, but sometimes she becomes isolated. She plays a lot on her own.
My daughter loves hair, nails, and makeup.
He is so sweet and so loving! He enjoys light up toys and playing with anything that makes sounds.
Kaiden is a very kind and loving person.
I love her humility, her God-fearing, loving, and kind.
I am blessed he is with us today.
Very caring, full of energy, and loves animals.
Kennidi loves Disney, lions, and Bluey. She also could tell you anything you would want to know about dinosaurs! Kennidi is very sweet, and loves making new friends.
Keyen is well-behaved, loving, funny, and very smart.
She’s friendly with kids, and loves kids and babies. She loves school, and she makes fun with her dolls when playing by herself.
I love her, and her love for Christ and children. Kristy is a prayer warrior!
He is a joy, he is happy and makes my life worth being a mom.
She is very energetic, sweet, great at ball playing, and a fast runner!
Laura is inquisitive, loves to cook, and has an amazing memory.
She is super kind, and loves helping others. She is a little diva.
His smile lights up the room, he has the kindest heart, and he has incredible strength for such a small boy.
Leon, aka Baby Leon, is a sweet boy who likes to play with his toys, his tablet, and to watch Sesame Street. He enjoys spending time playing with his dad and older brother, and he loves to cuddle with his mama. He will be a big brother soon to a little sister, so he’s learning all about babies right now.
He is a child with a lot of energy, who is curious, creative, and very loving and gentle. He is an excellent brother and son.
Liam is a very goofy kid! His smile and laugh is so contagious.
My dearest Link. He is so sweet and caring! So gentle, and shares with his baby brother who is 5 months. He is amazing and continues to surprise me. He loves the outdoors and playing at the playground. He loves music and jumping on his indoor trampoline.
She loves Art, Music, Basketball, and the beach. she will graduate from 1st grade soon. She is a Fighter, and survivor, I love her so much.
I love to hear Mackenzie laugh
She is so awesome- always in a great mood, always smiling. Just brings a smile to my face when I see her.
She is very active, and loves anything that gets her moving, swimming or tumbling. She’s amazing at problem solving, and so friendly once she opens up to you.
Matthew was a premiee baby, he has a rare genetic disorder, that causes developmental delay and other issues. He had a surgery due to a spinal tethered cord. He takes a bunch of therapies, and couple of months ago he learned to walk.
He is unique, caring, and loving.
She loves to hug and sing.
She’s so loving, special, sassy, and smart!
Michael makes my days happy when he smiles and hugs me.
I love the way she cares for her grandparents and small kids. I love when she dances, and when she is smiling.
Nariah is a bright girl that has talent. She loves to show off, and she doesn’t allow her disorder get in the way of her hopes and dreams.
I love his love of sports and Jesus.
Negus is a child of few words, but his ability is in communicating with his art and hugs. He loves to be alone, but there is a certain joy in that I love everything about Negus.
Neil is an amazing/active boy. He is kind, loving, caring and empathetic. He feels a lot, and expresses his feelings easily. He is full of energy and love. Neil wants to be a pastor when he grows up. His favorite color is red, he loves outdoors, running and soccer!
Nevaeh starts and ends every day with a smile. She has so much energy, and loves to dance. She lights up any room with her ability to make you smile, and her laugh is so contagious. Her name is Heaven spelled backwards, and although I am biased, she is my little angel here on earth.
Noah has a very happy spirit. He loves transportation vehicles. He’s a very fast runner.
She’s talkative, and even though she physically can’t walk, that doesn’t stop her from getting around. She’s always happy and ready to laugh and play.
He is so sweet and kind! He loves to be with me and his sisters. He is so smart and attentive.
Peyton is one of the best kids. She had a “Different ability” from birth. What she lacks in some areas she overcompensates in others, she has the biggest heart and she will always help other people smile. She is genuinely so sweet. Her best friend is her emotional support kitty named Oscar. She loves spooky movies and Disney World.
Peyton is extremely witty, and makes some of the funniest comebacks you have ever heard. She is exceptional at remembering lyrics (even the ones nobody else knows), and will burst into song at the most random moments. She loves colors and telling people they are beautiful. She is always down for a car ride and going new places. She is learning to be independent and gaining skills daily. She loves trying new things with direction.
She is such a happy baby, and loves to play, and also loves to be outdoors.
He is very smart, and has overcome a lot of obstacles.
He likes to sing and write his own songs. He is very loving, caring, and funny.
Robert loves Cleveland, OH, and all sports! He is a very kind young man, and is a good friend to others. He is a great helper at home and on vacation. He is a joy to be around.
He is affectionate and respectful.
He’s super-smart when it comes to electronics. He is always happy no matter what’s going on in our lives. Animals love him. He’s a jokester. He is always messing with someone. I love his bond with each sibling, each family member, and all of his specialists. Each one is different and unique as well.
I love his beautiful smile, his courage, and determination to secure his place in this world!
He is an excellent big brother to his our toddler and a wonderful and kind young man all around. He is extremely intelligent and has skipped a grade already and wants to follow some type of engineering path. He is very strong and loves RACING! He plays golf, he’s body conditioning for weight lifting, and we are registering for special Olympics for cycling. He loves nature and science and is excellent in math. He runs a small business selling toys and repairing electronics. He does odd jobs. He is both a baby and animal whisperer as both animals and small children are drawn to his soft nature and nurturing abilities. He works in both the nursery and on the AV team at church. And he gives the best hugs ️
He loves countries’ flags.
Sebastian has an infectious, energetic energy. He is a great cuddler, and loves to be outdoors.
He’s very lovable. He’s always in a good mood. He’s very strong.
Serenity is a sweet-natured, and very loving girl, who cares about people, no matter the size or age. She loves her toys the Little People.
He love cars, coloring, and playing sports.
I love her kindness, and special love she has in her heart- her tender heart, and caring.
Sofia is the light of my world. The sweetest girl in this world.
Loves the Little Mermaid.
She is very sassy, she loves her independence, and she is very maternal with her little brother, who she adores.
He’s so loving, and loves football.
I love her personality- the way she loves on her family. She is a happy child.
He is a very loving and compassionate little boy, loving life and seeking thrills wherever he can. He likes helping others and playing games on his tablet.
Thomas has the biggest heart of any child I know. He’s principled, deeply caring, and has an innate ability to see the big picture. He’s thoughtful, respectful, and kind-hearted. Thomas is our gentle giant.
He is a sweet boy. He loves play with his friends, and his favorite toy is a ninja turtle.
Vaidyn loves outside activities, like gardening and playing with his toy cars.
Valarie enjoys swimming, listening to music and spending time with her family in her free time.
Victoria is a wonderful little lady who enjoys learning about electric devices, such as washer and dryers, and ceiling fans. Victoria also loves to spend her time in the kitchen with her mom making new dishes for friends and family.
She is so intelligent, and she draws beautifully.
My sweet baby girl is very friendly, always wanting to meet new friends, and a fearless young lady always in search of a new adventure.
Violet is very talented in arts and crafts.
Wilkhem is a very smart boy. He is kind, humble, and caring for others. He loves playing with his hot wheels cars- as he plays he makes every sound a car makes. He is very special in every way.
I love how sweet and helpful he is. He brings so much joy to my life, and his younger brother, Theodore.
Xavi is a kind and loveable boy. He loves animals and can identify them by name. He understands both English and Spanish, although he doesn’t engage in long conversations.
Xavier loves to play with construction trucks, and mimic the sound of passing vehicles with almost perfect pitch.
What I love most about my son is his kindness, which he likes to share with children.
Yeidan loves outside activities. He is very active.
He is a child who needs a little more help with his homework, but he is very affectionate, and is attached to his mother.
He is loving and organized. He is willing to help when asked.
Zion is such a character- when he knows he is doing something wrong he goes, “Uh uhhh,” and waving his finger, like no… it’s hilarious. He knows not to climb on the table, but he will do it anyway, while telling himself, “uh uhhhh, no.”