Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Friend of Nathaniel’s Hope,
We think of ourselves as pretty thankful people, until we were recently challenged by this thought:
If I woke up tomorrow and wa…

Grief Awareness Day
September 30, 2021
Today is National Grief Awareness Day.
At some point in life’s journey, all of us will experience grief.
Grief is a part of life. Whether you grieve the loss of a loved one or the death of a long-cherished dream, the truth i…

Nathaniel’s Hope on The Word
In case you missed the awesome FOCUS ORLANDO radio interview featuring an interview with our Executive Director, Marie Kuck about our Make ‘m Smile-fari that aired four times on The NEW AM990, FM94.9 The Answer and FM 101.5 The Word, we’ve snag…

Caring for Special Needs Families During the Pandemic
COVID-19 has certainly disrupted all of our lives but for families with children with special needs (VIP kids), the isolation we experience was not uncommon. However, now parents face the challenge of meeting basic needs and health care for th…

Virtual Church for Kids
Virtual Church Services for KIDS!!!
As churches have been forced to close their doors to protect their members, many are offering their services online to continue to bless the community. Here are some that take it a step further and are post…

Coloring Pages
We want to encourage your VIPs during this time of shut-in. Print these fun coloring pages for your children to color and be reminded that God is with you and He cares for you!
Consider having your VIP color one and give it to a neighbor or family…

The Newsweekly
Special needs children, parents have a new friend: the Buddy Break program
The Newsweekly…

WHAS 11 – Louisville, KY
Buddy Break helps parents with special needs children
WHAS 11 – Louisville, KY…

Buddy Break at Naples church offers respite for parents of special-needs children
Buddy Break at Naples church offers respite for parents of special-needs children
Naples Daily News…