Online registration has closed for VIPs and Buddies
It’s not too late to join us for our 8th Annual Make ‘m Smile event! At this time our pre-registration is closed, but you may register at the event on the day of the event (tomorrow, Saturday, June 5). When you arrive, just look for the yellow Registration tents located on Robinson Street (by Eola Drive or Rosalind).
We are thrilled that you are going to join us for this fun-filled day!
If you would like to contribute financially to our event, we will gladly accept your contribution. You will not be listed in our printed publications since our deadline has passed; however, we can list you on our website (if you’re at the corresponding Sponsorship Level).
Click on the left green menu option that says “Sponsor Registration” to register online or click here to download PDF of form. (Skip the Exhibitor questions since that deadline has passed too.)