We’re once again partnering with Fun Spot to host our annual Keep ‘m Smiling event next weekend!!!
FREE tickets for VIP(s) and ONE Parent/Caregiver
$10 Tickets for the other parent and siblings (Up to four tickets)
$25 tickets for Grandparents/Aunts/Uncles/Buddies/Friends of Nathaniel’s Hope

We Are Equipping Churches
We were excited to participate in KidMin Megacon last week in Nashville, TN! We met with hundreds of KidMin leaders and churches to share about Special Needs Ministry.
Do you know a church that wants to start or expand their special needs ministry?
Share this link with them to learn more!

Giving Help • Sharing Hope
“Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Matthew 22:39

Nathaniel’s Hope is rolling out a new program called Nathaniel’s Neighbor-Giving Help. Sharing Hope. This program brings practical support to VIP families that are overwhelmed and need a helping hand. You can be Nathaniel’s Neighbor by bringing a dinner, mowing a lawn, doing laundry, etc. Thank you to Westgate Resorts, who recently stepped up to help a VIP family in need of assistance. If you are interested in helping email [email protected].
We know Hurricane Ian impacted many of our VIP families and Florida community. We want each of you to know that we are with you as Florida still recovers, and we have resources for you HERE.
There is also a Check-In registration on that page where families with VIPs can let us know how they are and what help or assistance they may need. We also want everyone to feel free to call our offices or respond to this email if you are in need of help so we can create a plan to assist you. We are praying for all of our families!

Are you a VIP?
Mark your Calendar!
Nathaniel’s Toy Shop VIP Registration opens the beginning of November!!
VIP Membership ID # required. Click HERE to request yours.
Christmas With Nathaniel’s Hope T-Shirts available!
You can purchase them now for only $10 HERE!
For VIP Parents and Caregivers

Twistee Treat Wednesday is next week!! Make sure to stop by one of the participating locations Wednesday, October 19th, to recieve a FREE kiddie cone and to support Nathaniel’s Hope! Bring a friend and enjoy your sweet treat!

HOPETOWN Are you looking forward to an inspiring community that will serve individuals with disabilities of all ages and their families? Follow along on this journey and receive updates on the progress of HopeTown!

We depend on the generosity of the community to support our programs for VIPs.
Join our team. Donate now.
“The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.” Psalm 118:24
Let us know how we can pray for you HERE.